is a charitable web site that makes donations to LGBT rights groups around the world as part of our mission to support equality and justice for gay citizens of the world.

We are NOT a tax-deductible charity (501c3) and donations to or purchases from GlobalGayz cannot be claimed as a charitable deduction for tax purposes in the United States, although they may qualify as an advertising-related business tax deduction. Consult a qualified tax advisor for more information.

We are a for-profit Limited Liability Company that generates income from the sale of advertising on our website. In line with our charitable mission, much of our profit is granted to support human rights and health work being done by small LGBT groups, mostly in developing countries.

These grants cannot be applied for. GlobalGayz writers travel the world researching new stories for our site; when we find a worthy group doing good work we arrange to funnel some funds to it.

For more in-depth information regarding our donations please write to us at:

Richard Ammon