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Namibia – Random Rural Scenes

                               Namibia Random Rural Scenes Namibia is a huge country almost the size of Western Europe. With over 824.000 square kilometers and a small population of just over two million it is one of the least populated countries in the world. It’s human density is a mere 2.5 people per square kilometer. (Contrast that with

Namibian Capital of Windhoek

                                                Namibian Capital of Windhoek Windhoek is the capital and largest city of the Republic of Namibia. It population is about 250,529. A population influx from all over Namibia has caused researchers to estimate the figure to be well over 300,000. It is a clean, modern, internet-connected bustling center with a range of architecture from

Luderitz City on the Atlantic Coast

Luderitz City on the Atlantic Coast Namibia is one of the largest countries in Africa, about the size of Western Europe. It gained independence from South Africa on 21 March 1990, following the Namibian War of Independence. Its capital and largest city is Windhoek. It has a population of 2.1 million people and a stable

Etosha National Game Park

Etosha National Game Park Etosha National Park is one of Southern Africa’s and most important Game Reserves. Etosha Game park was declared a National Park in 1907 and covering an area of 22 270 square km, it is home to 114 mammal species, 340 bird species, 110 reptile species, 16 amphibian species and, surprisingly, one