Gay Life in Beijing, China: Shiny Windows and Shadow Lives China has a population estimated at 1.3 billion people. A conservative estimate of 5% makes for 65 million LGBT citizens. But one would never know it given the invisibility of the community there. October 2013 By Richard Ammon (Note: this story is only
Regarding homosexuality, sodomy was decriminalized in 1997, and the new Chinese Classification and Diagnostic Criteria of Mental Disorders removed homosexuality from its list of mental illnesses in 2001. The situation has continued to evolve. There is no explicit law against homosexuality, neither are there laws protecting gays from discrimination. It is believed that the Chinese policy towards gay issues remains the “Three nos”: no approval, no disapproval, and no promotion.

Name: China
Population: 1277558000
Capital: Beijing - Pop. 7500000
Area: 9572900 sq. km/ sq. miles
Language: Chinese
Religion: Mostly secular society; some religious tolerance
Status of Homosexuality: Legal
Telephone Country Code: 86
China to ban video games featuring same-sex relationships, ‘effeminate’ men and moral choices, 2021/Oct/02
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Homosexuality can be called a mental disorder, Chinese court rules; LGBT community disappointed, 2021/Mar/02
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China’s Largest Gay-Dating App Tries Streaming, 2017/Sep/06
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China bans gay content from the internet, 2017/Jul/01
New York Today: Meeting a Gay Pride Grand Marshal, 2017/Jun/19
China’s gay scene attracts censorship and investment, 2017/Feb/10
HIV is growing so fast among Chinese youth that a university is selling testing kits in vending machines, 2016/Oct/24
China’s gay rights charade, 2016/Sep/14
China: Progress on LGBTI rights. But more to do, 2016/Jul/26
China ‘bans Lady Gaga’ after Dalai Lama meeting, 2016/Jun/27
Increasing the visibility of LGBTS in China, 2016/Jun/11
Judge in China Rules Gay Couple Cannot Marry, 2016/Apr/13
China bans depictions of gay people on television, 2016/Mar/04
‘An important step’ for gay rights in China, 2015/Nov/24
Male rape now a crime in China, 2015/Nov/02
In China, Gay Marriage Is Between A Man And A Woman, 2015/Oct/19
Chinese Expat Pens A Personal Story, 2015/Aug/18
China’s Impressive Performance on HIV/AIDS, 2015/Jun/09
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WHO: ‘China is witnessing an evolving HIV epidemic’, 2014/Dec/03
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Gay-dating app finds financial boost, 2014/Nov/24
China: Gay rights activists in Macau demand domestic violence bill includes gay couples, 2014/Nov/06
Chinese HIV vaccine finishes safety testing, 2014/Oct/22
Gay rights storm in Beijing as senior British diplomat marries boyfriend at ambassador’s residence, 2014/Sep/09
China: students vulnerable to HIV/AIDS, 2014/Jun/09
Gay sex poses HIV threat for youth, 2014/Jun/05