Hua Hin Thailand is a modest-sized city on the country’s southern peninsula that has become a popular vacation destination due to its balmy climate and long beaches. There is not a LGBT community there, rather only a couple of venues; one is a bar and the other a hostel.
Thailand is the world’s 51st-largest country in terms of total area. About 80% of the population is ethnically Thais, 10% is of Chinese origin, and 3% is ethnically Malay. Thailand is one of the most devoutly Buddhist countries in the world. The national religion is Theravada Buddhism which is practiced by more than 95% of all Thais. The highly revered King Bhumibol Adulyadej died in 2016 after reigning for more than 60 years, making him the longest reigning monarch at the time. He was succeeded by his son.
Thailand is the only country in Southeast Asia that has never been ruled by a European power. The current 2010 political infighting has destabilized the country. The military had wielded political power since then.
There are no laws against gays or lesbians in Thailand. However, there are some Buddhist laws that prohibit openly gay men to enter monkhood. Transsexuals (known as kathoey) are tolerated in Thai culture as part of the working force. Thailand has an annual gay pride festival in Phuket–not in Bangkok. The health authorities work together with the gay community to promote HIV education and prevention.