A New Dawn
It is a daunting and crushing moment to realize how long it has taken a modern culture to take responsibility for establishing equality among it citizens. After a tortured and long process of street demonstrations, a costly national referendum and a parliamentary debate this 21st century democracy wiggled and struggled to legalize love unions for homosexually inclined members of its society.
(Photo right: moment of truth; parliament votes approval)

What kind of humanity is this? Yes, it’s political and social victory and celebrations are rightly due. However, as well, I am dismayed at how long this democracy dithered and dramatized and doubted over the issue of equality of human rights, the issue whether two loving people can legally be allowed to unionize. Dithered because religiously oriented minorities protested with heavy and passionate fervor that same-sex affection is perceived to be anathematize (cursed) in the Big Book written millennia ago by sexless desert scribes inspired by their
own austerity wrote interpretive and vague verses about men being familiar a carnal manner–if indeed that’s what they said. These same verses have been translated into at least into five historic languages, with countless inherent errors of interpretation so it’s impossible to discern what they really meant, for whom and why…

That 21st century homo sapiens should be so swayed by these mysterious antique and vague verses as to justify attacks on the vitality and validity of diverse love forms is frightening to those of us who think human development is forward and upward. I am pleased with the final outcome but I fear for the future social evolution of human kind on our tiny planet dangling in space…
