North Carolina Legislature Votes for Bigotry

Many steps forward, one step backward, in North Carolina. How deeply are those NC law-makers stained by distorted religion to invalidate their intelligent governor and flaunt the US Constitution that unequivocally mandates separation of religious belief systems from secular rights. Where are these dumber-than-dumb legislators coming from; their arrogance to reject the democratic ethics that

Homosexuality on Planet Earth

Here’s an interesting read if you believe in some kind of divine being/presence. But I think it’s all a crock of mindless irrational word games. We exist in a universe of sublime infinite space and time with no mythology about a ‘grandaddy’ pulling the strings and making the planet in six days…!

Baptist College Resists Bigotry; Affirms All Sexualities

Here is a story about a fine and affirming southern Baptist college that will not be intimidated by bigotry and “idolatry of the bible” from fundamentalist anti-gay pastors who cannot see further than the worn out pages of their tattered bibles and rigid dogma.

Australia Celebrates Queer Indigenous Culture

How fine is this! A very much ignored and under-served LGBT population is receiving recognition in Australia.       Also see this report: Aboriginal Queers (From: Appealing and wonderful as the scene was, the folks I wanted to interview in Melbourne were rather unique: Indigenous Aboriginal homosexuals. Prior to arriving for the

Singapore’s Catholic archbishop has spouted his bigoted opinion about LGBT people–again.

Singapore’s Catholic archbishop has spouted his bigoted opinion about LGBT people–again. Why do such ridiculous people get quoted in the media? Dressed in absurd outdated costumes with weird hats their ideas about life are about as modern as their outfits. Look at his photo–is such a person who plays god and dresses like a Harry

The Difference Between Regression and Progress; Between Retrograde Stupidity About Human Sexuality and Intelligent Scientific Evidence

Read Here The Difference Between Regression and Progress; Between Retrograde Stupidity About Human Sexuality and Intelligent Scientific Evidence; Between Russia and USA. Russia Moscow police on Saturday detained two women attempting to hold an unsanctioned Gay Pride demonstration. According to the AP, the demonstration took place across from the Moscow mayor’s office. Reuters reported that

Ugandan Minister to head UN General Assembly — Resist This

This is an outrage that any government official of Uganda should be appointed to a high position at the UN. Uganda has one of the world’s worst human rights records and most inhumane laws that imprisons people just for BEING gay. Read this report and sign the petition.

LGBT population has unique religious profile

A recent survey published in the Deseret News ( reveals LGBT Americans  are “less religious than the general population, and as a group, they feel religion is unfriendly toward them.” This comes as no surprise, especially in light of the recent excommunication of a Catholic priest who supported gay rights in public! ( Modern institutional