By Richard Ammon Summer 2016 Also see: Gay Cuba Stories Gay Cuba News & Reports 1997 to present Gay Cuba Photo Galleries My second visit to Cuba was in 2016 to visit old friends and meet new ones. The appearance of Havana is essentially the same as my previous visit ten years ago.
Sexual relations between same-sex consenting adults 16 and over have been legal in Cuba since 1979, although same-sex relationships are not presently recognized by the state. In Cuba, people’s organizations and public assembly must be state-approved, and LGBT associations and events were previously not permitted, however, Havana now has a lively and vibrant gay scene. Public antipathy towards LGBT people is high, reflecting regional norms. This has eased somewhat since the 1990s. Educational campaigns on LGBT issues are currently implemented by the National Center for Sex Education, headed by Mariela Castro. Read More.

Many Faces of Gay Cuba: Risk, Pleasure, Hidden and Playful in 2015
Intro: This story is the result of my first visit to that once-paradise island where gay life is still alive and humming although repressed. There are many faces of gay Cuba: risk, pleasure, hidden and playful. Not surprisingly, lesbigay folks dance a careful line between relative freedom and relative risk. But things will change: Fidel
Gay Cuba 1997-2015
Intro: This story is a compilation of reports, stories and news that I stitched together from numerous sources before I visited Cuba. It will give you a good idea about how controversial the homosexual issue is under socialism. Fidel Castro died on November 25, 2016 evoking sadness and joy among native and expat Cubans. His