Jamaican activist Angeline Jackson (photo right) visited San Diego and found loving support from St Paul’s Foundation in her quest to bring LGBT rights and tolerance to her native society–despite great odds. Also see: Jamaica Photo Galleries Gay Jamaica News & Reports June 10th, 2014 By Ken Williams San Diego Gay and Lesbian News
LGBT rights in Jamaica are dominated by the prohibition of sexual acts between men. Sexual acts between women are legal, by virtue of the absence of any reference to them in law. Sex between men is punishable with up to ten years jail. Social leaders in Jamaica accuse international groups of meddling in domestic affairs. They defend laws against homosexuality as upholding Christian values. Neither one of the two major political parties in Jamaica have expressed any official support for gay rights. Verbal and physical violence, ranging from beatings to brutal armed attacks to murder, are widespread. For many, there is no sanctuary from such abuse.
Men who have sex with men and women who have sex with women reported being driven from their homes and their towns by neighbors who threatened to kill them if they remained, forcing them to abandon their possessions and leaving many homeless. Jamaican Forum for Lesbians, All-Sexuals and Gays (J-FLAG) is the only LGBT rights organization in Jamaica. The organization was created in 1998 and operates underground and anonymously. In June 2004 founding member and the public face of J-FLAG Brian Williamson was stabbed to death in his home. A recent poll showed that 96% of Jamaicans were opposed to any move that would seek to legalize homosexual relations.

Gay Jamaica: Crime and Punishment
Intro: The news from Jamaica is not good. It is one of the least gay-friendly countries in the western hemisphere. Laws against homosexuality are actively enforced bringing the wrath of the conservative government and street gangs on offenders. Attacks are not uncommon against gays or people suspected of being gay. In the Jamaica News and
Anthony’s Story: Gay in Jamaica
Summer 2009 By Anthony My name is Anthony, I’m 27 years of age and i live in Jamaica which is in the Caribbean. I just want to share with you what living as a Gay is like in Jamaica. I am gay and my life has been turned up side down all because I’m gay,