Homosexuality in Saint Kitts and Nevis is like homophobia—hidden and disguised behind smiles, dollars, pretty beaches and friendly hotels and restaurants. But the shadow side of gay life in Saint Kitts & Nevis is not so pretty or nice. Double Standard Not unusual for a homophobic nation dependent on tourist dollars, Saint Kitts and
The Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis (also known as the Federation of Saint Christopher and Nevis) is a federal two-island nation in the West Indies. It is the smallest nation in the Americas, in both area and population. Information on the situation of homosexuals in Saints Kitts and Nevis reveals "homophobia is rampant".
Certain homosexual acts are illegal: "the abominable crime of buggery" can receive up to 10 years imprisonment, with or without hard labor. Consequently, the stigma associated with male-to-male sex leads some homosexuals to have a female partner as an alibi as well as impeding access to health education and STD/HIV treatment; societal discrimination persists against homosexuals and persons with HIV/AIDS.