English version of this story Intro: El pequeño país de El Salvador se ha visto en vuelto en problemas políticos, económicos y sociales como otras naciones Centroamericanas. Pero durante los últimos 15 años, no se dejo intimidar por las amenazas de los hackers y de los predicadores, la única organización LGBT (Lesbianas, gayes, bisexuales Y
In El Salvador’s penal code there is no mention of laws punishing homosexuality. There are laws regarding “moral behavior and good habits” which allow judges an extended field of interpretation. The age of consent is set at 18 years, regardless of sexual orientation. There is a gay and lesbian organization in El Salvador called the Asociacion Entre Amigos – the Among Friends Association
Since 1996. A Gay Pride parade takes place each June. Nevertheless, there are reports of harassment and pressure by what some believe are agents of the police, the government and Christian groups.

Gay Life in El Salvador 2010
Intro: The small country of El Salvador has seen it share of politcal, economic and social troubles, like other Central American nations. But for the past fifteen years, undaunted by threats, hackers and preachers, the single LGBT organization in El Salvador, Entre Amigos (Among Friends), has endured with determination and compassion thanks to help from benefactors such as Elton John. Today Entre Amigos is a beacon of light for many gay souls in this homophobic culture. But gay life can also feel good, as testified by a young lover called Ricky.
El Salvador and Survival: Gay Life Among the Chaos
Richard Ammon, GlobalGayz.com San Salvador, February 9, 2010 I am often amused and irked at how the gay community in any one country is portrayed both in the majority media and in the gay media as well. El Salvador is another one of those ‘throw-away’ countries in Central America that is mostly ignored unless there
Gay El Salvador 2007
A journalist for the London newspaper ‘The Independent’ describes the threatening oppression against LGBT rights activists in El Salvador. Against all odds the rights work goes on, now acknowledged by Elton John and the media. Also see: Gay El Salvador News & Reports 2005 to present By David Usborne 22 March 2007 http://news.independent.co.uk/world/americas/article2381063.ece Voice for