Sydney has an energy as vibrant as any world-class city and the LGBT gay energy is equally vital as life moves along the famous Oxford Street lined with its gay cafes, clubs, bars, discos, fashion shops, organizations and restaurants (including Betty’s Soup Kitchen). The popular LGBT venues are easy to find in this city
Technologically advanced and industrialized, Australia is a prosperous multicultural country and has high measures in many international comparisons of national performance such as health care, life expectancy, quality-of-life, human development, public education, economic freedom, and the protection of civil liberties and political rights. In 1975, the state of South Australia became the first state to legalize sexual conduct between males. Other states and territories repealed their laws between 1976 and 1990. The exception was Tasmania, which retained its laws until the Federal Government and the United Nations Human Rights Committee forced their repeal in 1997. In May 2008, following the election of a more liberal Labor government, legislation was introduced into Parliament to begin altering previous limited conservative laws regarding LGBT citizens. The new statutes will provide equality in tax, health, superannuation, aged care and other areas. The annual Sydney mardi gras is one of the world’s premier gay festivals. In 2002 Australia was host to the international Gay Games.

Gay Tasmania, Australia, 2009
Distant and remote as Tasmania may be, 150 miles off the south coast of Australia, it still has a full story to tell about gay life, from a sad and tormented beginning to fulfilling and modern LGBT scene. There is much to tell about this picturesque state (Australia has six states and two terrtories).
Gay Life Way Down Under – Tasmania
Richard Ammon – Hobart, Tasmania, November 9, 2009 Gay life is everywhere, as we know, even here in Tasmania. Some people think of this place as some remote Africa country hardly worth mentioning. But they couldn’t be more wrong. Tasmania is Australia’s southernmost state, off the south coast of the continent and separated by
Love Among the Ruins: USA, an Indian Prince, Love & HIV
Richard Ammon November 4, 2009 Sydney, Australia While America was limping from the loss of two important marriage-rights elections (New Jersey and Maine), across the globe in India there was a cause for celebration of sorts. Prince Manvendra Gohil, the famous ‘gay Prince’ from Rajpipla state in the western Gujarat area of India announced
A Princely Gay Man – Manvendra Singh Gohil of India Comes Out
October 29, 2009 Richard Ammon, No question that rank carries privilege and privilege carries fame. This time it belongs to an Indian prince who came out as gay in 2005 and shocked his family and fascinated the Indian public. Prince Manvendra Singh Gohil of the Rajpipla region in the state of Gujarat, the westernmost
Gay Australia and Gay Games VI 2002
Intro: Sydney Australia was the host city for the fabulous sixth Gay Games and Cultural Festival held November 2-9, 2002. For a week the city was indeed at the end of the rainbow as athletes and spectators flooded stadiums and cafes with excitement and color. Following the competitions, I traveled across this great continent-country all the way to Perth on the Indian Ocean interviewing lesbigay folks in the major cities along the way: Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide and Perth, as well as some Aboriginal gays I met along the way.