Richard Ammon May 15, 2010 Saturday May 15 2010, gay Pride day in Minsk, Balarus, arrived and there were no unusual surprises: trouble was anticipated and trouble there was. The gay participants knew the police would try to stop them. The police knew where the marchers were and intercepted them–but not before the combined
Homosexual sex was legalised in Belarus in 1994, however Gay rights in Belarus are still severely limited. Homophobic attitude, suspicions and prejudices are still very strong. According to the survey held by Belarusian Lambda League for Sexual Equality (Lambda Belarus) in April 2002 47% of questioned Belarusians think that gays should be imprisoned. The activist group Belarusian Initiative for Sexual and Gender Equality works to improve LGBT awareness and acceptance.

Gay Belarus 2010: The Politics of Pride–a Festival Under Attack
Gay Pride in Minsk, Belarus (Slavic Pride 2010) Despite exhuberant celebrations and huge parades in the West, Gay Pride events elsewhere, such as Belarus, remain difficult and dangereous. Gay Pride is very much still a global fight for human rights, both in the streets and in a new documentary film. By Richard Ammon and UK
Gay Belarus 2006
Intro: Belarus still staggers under post Soviet repressive government policies. Although homosexuality has been decriminalized it remains a shadow lifestyle and there is little breathing room or freedom for LGBT people. Below are stories and reports that offer an overview and introduction to gay Belarus.