Posted by Richard Ammon, GlobalGayz.comI was fortunate to attend the July 2009 OutGames and Human Rights Conference in Copenhagen, Denmarkwhere the following publication was presented by ILGA on behalf of worldwide lesbian activists and supporters. In the past decade lesbians have taken their full place on the world stage of human rights advocacy. Once relegated to second place behind the more active and noisier gay men’s movements, this is no longer so. From Africa to Asia the women have taken roles of leadership and have re-energized the entire gay rights movement. This document gives voice to that change. It deserves to be read everywhere.

From Patricia Curzi, Women’s Project Coordinator, ILGA
Lesbians have always been present in various civil society movements, with gay men’s organizations, in feminist groups, as well as in the artistic sphere and in the fight for decolonization and independence of their country. In recent decades lesbians have been present in the fight for equal rights for women of colour, aborigen women, and more broadly with feminist movements.
The present publication, in English, is a collection of experiences from individuals worldwide involved in lesbian movements, civil society and human rights organizations. Credit was given to those lesbiansin many parts of the world who have led the way and those who are actively involved in fighting for the well being and recognition of their rights.Some of the positive examples illustrate that history can be changed and that some lesbian groups have managed to mainstream their concerns with those of other movements. Some have fought against apartheid and are denouncing racism, others are working towards building peace in their regions, some others are joining different discriminated and vulnerable groups. Lesbians have shown more solidarity than other groups and the recognition of this fact must follow.Sharing experiences and knowledge is a way to develop skills and being aware of those achievements is the first step towards empowerment and pride.This publication has a positive imprint and is aimed at strengthening the future of the lesbian movement rather than lingering on victimization.

The publication will also leave a lot of questions open such as: “What is feminism?”, “Are lesbian concerns more closely related to women issues or to gay issues?”. Here and there you will find an answer that may be contradicted a few pages later by an opposite experience. This is probably the indication of the diversity and complexity of lesbians’ movements.

This piece of work will hopefully raise your curiosity to learn more and be inspired about these different but closely related movements. It can also be used as a training tool to empower young, lesbian feminists within the LGBT movement and to raise awareness of mainstream organizations on the importance at dealing with lesbian rights.

“Lesbians are everywhere” and we can be very proud of it.

Hard copies of the publication can be ordered upon payment of mailing costs. Please order or send your suggestions and comments at

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