A report from 2013 describes the situation for LGBT citizens in Yemen. Since that time little has changed for gay people in this war-torn country where Houthi rebels have taken over the government in 2014-15. Life for homosexuals is dangerous and deadly ; virtually no one reveals his sexual preference in public. By Shuaib
At the present time Yemen is being torn apart by sectarian warfare with different factions jockeying for control with bombs and bullets. It remains to be seen who will be left standing.
Previous to the revolution/civil war the legal system included separate commercial courts and a Supreme Court based in Sana’a, the capital. Since the country is an Islamic state, the Islamic Law (Sharia) is the main source for laws. Indeed, many court cases are debated by the religious basis of the laws. For this reason, many judges are religious scholars as well as legal authorities. Homosexuality is illegal in Yemen in according to the country’s Shari’ah legal system. Punishment ranges from flogging to death. Yemen is one of only seven countries to apply a death penalty for consensual sexual acts between adults of the same sex. Abuses run rampant, especially in the areas of women’s rights, freedom of the press, torture and police brutality. Freedom of the speech, the press and religion are all restricted. Gay and lesbian websites have been blocked by the government.

Gay Life in Yemen: One Man’s Story of Destiny and Choice
Introduction: The following story was sent to GlobalGayz by a thoughtful Yemeni gay man who was willing to share his observations and feelings about gay life in his country. Also see: Gay Life in Yemen Original story: February 2012 Update: September 2015 The current turmoil in Yemen has become an international war with a
Gay Life in Yemen–An Introduction
Introduction: It’s difficult to write an informed and useful report about something unseen and unheard. In Yemen, homosexuality is both because no one is willing to speak or write about it in public or in the media, despite the inevitable presence of a gay underground that is kept well hidden from the scrutiny of the