By Richard Ammon June 3, 2011 In the past week I have visited the mansions of three early presidents of America: Jefferson’s ‘Monticello’ (photo right), Monroe’s ‘Ashlawn’ and Andrew Jackson’s ‘Hermitage’, in Virginia and Tennessee. Viewing these stately properties a modern visitor can glimpse a past way of life both elegant as well as
Owing to the United States’ federal system and the diversity in attitudes toward LGBT rights, the status of LGBT civil rights in the U.S. is at present a patchwork. At the federal level, there is no recognition of same-sex unions and no laws forbidding employment discrimination against LGBT persons. Some states have enacted such laws, however. State legislatures in Connecticut (2005), California (1999), Hawaii (1996), Maine (2004), New Jersey (2006), Washington (2007), New Hampshire (2007), Oregon (2007) Vermont (1999) and the District of Columbia (2001) have enacted either civil unions or more limited domestic partnership options for same-sex couples. Since 2004 marriage is open to gays in Massachusetts; Connecticut made it available in 2008. More states are debating it currently. For more, click here.

Memorial Day Remembrance of Army Private John Ammon
By Richard Ammon May 31, 2011 Memorial Day is different from other holidays. Unlike Thanksgiving, Fourth of July or religious festivals where the celebrations recall rather abstract events, Memorial Day for me is about a particular person known and loved by his family and friends. Memorial Day is both a remembrance of millions of
Garden of Delight–Westhampton, MA and its Denizens
By Richard Ammon September 4, 2010 At 0655 this early September morning a few golden rays of the sun penetrated through the earth’s atmosphere, through the forest of summer trees into our cottage and landed on the stone fireplace in our bedroom. The stones lit up with flickering morning light, a bit like those
My Family – A Hundred Years Later
By Richard Ammon June 25, 2010 A hundred years ago today my grandparents, Francis and Cora, were married and our immediate family began. I have no family memory beyond that–photos and stories yes but no memories. My paternal great-grandfather died in 1915. My maternal great-grandmother lived to 1938, before my birth. But starting a
New Hate Crimes Bill: New Era of Civil Rights Recognition for LGBT Americans (?)
From: October 31, 2009 Sonoma County (California) Civil Rights Examiner By Megan Cofey The expanded federal Hate Crime Prevention Act, named for 1998 victims Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. and signed into law by President Obama on October 28, may end up being much more significant than its scope would suggest. Although the
Gaining Rights vs Being Privileged–Gays and Obama
Westhampton, MA – October 11, 2009 Richard Ammon – Last night President Obama gave a speech at a Human Rights Campaign fund-raising dinner in DC. This is remarkable in itself since no other president has ever given specific attention to a gay organization in a public forum. The press were there and captured his
Coming Out at 13 Years Old – an Eternal Truth
Westhampton, MA – September 30, 2009 Richard Ammon – The September 27, 2009 New York Times Magazine cover story of a 13 year-old boy who has come out at school is notable in many ways: -it was published by America’s premier newspaper -it was made a daring headline story with photos -it’s about homosexual
Gay Rights Organizations react to Death of Ted Kennedy
“For all those whose cares have been our concern, the work goes on, the cause endures, the hope still lives, and the dream shall never die.” From Richard Ammon, owner Westhampton, MA I grew up with the Kennedys in our government, the longest serving being Ted Kennedy. He was a presence in my life
It’s Normal to be Gay: Worldwide Gay Survey
Intro: Despite daunting persecution of gays in many countires, a guest author surveys mid-nineties optimistic gains in gay expression, gay pride activity and legal status around the world. Bangkok by John Duvoli The Economist Revised June 1, 2008 Photos by Richard Ammon Across the world a radical idea about homosexuals is gaining ground:
John Ammon Remembered
John Ammon Remembered (1888-1918) John in his twenties (1908-13) with camera Also see: John Ammon Photo Gallery Photo Galleries of World War 1: Northern France where John’s company fought and John died. Introduction to a Short Life How are people remembered after they die? Unless blessed or cursed with fame or infamy, the departed
Gay USA: Gay Games, Chicago 2006
For the fourth time in its 22-year history the Gay Games were held in the USA. Starting in San Francisco in 1984 and 1986, New York in 1994 and Chicago 2006, The Games carry on the spirit of founder Tom Waddell’s vision of ‘Participation, Inclusion and Personal Best’. GlobalGayz owner, Richard Ammon, was there competing
Gay USA: Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Life in America
The real ‘Gay USA’ story, even part of it, is far too big to tell on one article. Listed in the Gay USA News & Reports of this site are many pages and years with hundreds of stories that express the wide range of edges in the ongoing American revolution against repression, fear and ignorance