June 26, 2014
Today: A federal appeals court on Wednesday affirmed a lower court’s ruling striking down Utah’s ban on gay marriage.
“The court has never witnessed a phenomenon throughout the federal court system as is presented with this issue,” U.S. District Judge Richard Young said. “In less than a year, every federal district court to consider the issue has reached the same conclusion in thoughtful and thorough opinions – laws prohibiting the celebration and recognition of same-sex marriages are unconstitutional. It is clear that the fundamental right to marry shall not be deprived to some individuals based solely on the person they choose to love.”
These two corrective decisions, and others, reveal how far off course American society and state laws have become in the course of the past generation (when gay marriage bans were instituted). Conservative, religion-pumping advocates hysterically forced state legislators to pass unconstitutional laws that were blatantly discriminatory. This is what happens when one segment of society forces its ideas on other segments in a rush of irrational passion and self-righteousness–completely ignoring due diligence. Such prejudice and intolerance inevitably lead to violence, as we LGBT citizens can attest given the beatings, murders and suicides in our community over the past generation. “Bad religion is poisonous,” said Alice Nkom, (one of Africa’s most respected human rights attorneys from Cameroon), equally as much as bad laws that are fortunately now being thrown out by more sensible and balanced federal judges. Thank you.