A native Paraguayan offers a brief overview of Paraguay and the modest lesbigay life there. This is preceded by a first person commentary of a gay Peace Corps volunteer about finding a community there. Also See: Gay Paraguay News & Reports 1986 to present (1) Building My Own Closet in Paraguay http://lgbrpcv.org/2012/01/28/building-my-own-closet-in-paraguay/ January 28, 2012
Paraguay is a poor and unequal society. It ranks as the second poorest country in South America. A large percentage of the population derive their living from agricultural activity, often on a subsistence basis. Excessive use of police and military force, impunity, poor prison conditions, and violence against women continue to be key concerns. Conflicts over land, both agricultural and urban, often lead to excessive use of force. The Truth and Justice Commission is investigating past violations of human rights, but impunity for past and current abuses and an illegal delay in compensation for past abuses remain problems. Prisons continue to be sites of new abuses, and the vast majority of prisoners have never been convicted of any crime. Domestic violence is widespread. Thousands of children work in the streets, and women and children are vulnerable to trafficking and other forms of abuse. Judicial protection for vulnerable populations is limited.
Homophobia is a pervasive, accepted aspect of Paraguayan culture; being gay and being communist are considered the country’s two greatest sins – both grounds for imprisonment or exile. See gay rights in Paraguay